An afternoon stroll around my favourite outdoor adventure shop, followed by an excellent meal with hubby's colleagues and a romantic night in a hotel preceded a luxurious lie-in, an hour or so in the spa and a leisurely breakfast on the terrace before heading home to relive the grandparents of the smalls.
No, wait, rewind, that's not it ...
An afternoon stroll around my favourite outdoor adventure shop, followed by an excellent meal with hubby's colleagues, 3/4 of a bottle of Jack Daniel's Tennessee Honey, several ciders, some more whiskey and a bunch of Sambucas preceded a broken night of acoustically awkward yodeling into porcelain, groaning and pained proclamations of imminent death.
As my beloved lay writhing in and out of fragile sleep, I ordered breakfast in bed. Not the best start to his day but a rare treat all the same.
No, wait, rewind, that's not it ...
An afternoon stroll around my favourite outdoor adventure shop, followed by an excellent meal with hubby's colleagues, 3/4 of a bottle of Jack Daniel's Tennessee Honey, several ciders, some more whiskey and a bunch of Sambucas preceded a broken night of acoustically awkward yodeling into porcelain, groaning and pained proclamations of imminent death.
As my beloved lay writhing in and out of fragile sleep, I ordered breakfast in bed. Not the best start to his day but a rare treat all the same.