4.00am, get up, nice cup of tea, check emails. Remove cat sick from sofa cover (remove cat from house), remove cover from sofa, put in washing machine. Empty dishwasher. Load dishwasher. Wash up. Scrabble together pirate costume for Holly. Shower, dress. Looking reasonably smart, feeling pretty pleased with self, ready to leave for 7.00am breakfast meeting. Straighten Holly's bandana. Cuddle Mancub . Quick round of 'row, row the boat'. Mancub delivers generous volume of projectile vomit. Smart outfit and uncovered sofa covered in sick. Stand in bath, strip, shower, find new clothes. Put sick soaked bed covers from last night in washing machine. Leave for meeting. No fuel. Stop for fuel. Arrive at breakfast meeting. Mmmmm, bacon and eggs. Come home. Hang washing, fill machine with more sick covered items. Write blog for client with right hand while fending off bouncing mancub with left hand. Contemplate possibility of finishing client's website with mancub's face next to mine demanding 'round and round the garden'. Abandon work. Enjoy fact that as Mancub cannot go to nursery due to previous pukiness (despite now being quite full of normal energy levels and mischief) I get to spend the day with him. (Yes, he does have maltesers in his cheeks).