But it is a double edged sword! While a smart phone is a valuable tool for work (and enables me to irritate my friends with daily #100happydays posts), I struggle with the omnipotence of technology.
I resisted a smart phone for a long time before I set up my own business. I liked switching off at the end of the working day, going home, being offline and in the moment with my family and friends. These days it's hard to switch off from all the devices; to live in the real world rather than our virtual worlds!
I watched 'I Forgot My Phone' recently and it resonated! Phones are part of modern day life, but wouldn't it be nice to live in the moment and enjoy the company of the people you're with, rather than constantly feeling the need to share the moment with the outside world?
I love social media. I love being able to keep in touch with people more easily and get back in touch with old friends. And let's face it, we all love to know what's going on in people's lives without necessarily having to meet them face-to-face! But there are times when we should switch off the gadgets and live life for real. So, discipline is required with this new toy (she says, blogging away after hours).